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jason schwartzman中文是什么意思

用"jason schwartzman"造句"jason schwartzman"怎么读"jason schwartzman" in a sentence


  • 积逊舒华萨曼
  • 杰森・施沃茨曼
  • 施瓦茨曼
  • 史瓦兹曼
  • 斯克沃尔茨曼
  • 斯沃茨曼
  • 詹森・舒瓦兹曼


  • Marie antoinette is merely a pawn in an arranged marriage meant to solidify the harmony between two nations . her teenage husband , the dauphin louis jason schwartzman , is heir to the french throne
  • The film is based on the book marie antoinette : the journey by antonia fraser . oscar winner sofia coppola brings to the screen a fresh interpretation of the life of france s legendary teenage queen marie antoinette . betrothed to king louis xvi jason schwartzman , the naive marie antoinette kirsten dunst at the age of 14 , she is thrown into the opulent french court which is steeped in conspiracy and scandal
    电影根据名作家安东妮雅费莎antonia fraser的著作marie antoinette : the journey改编,安东妮雅为让我们重新认识这位声名狼藉的法国皇后,用一个全新的角度轴视这位历史上备受误解的传奇女性。
用"jason schwartzman"造句  
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